WOW! Beautiful sky and RVs - one of the many reasons to go RVing

WOW! Beautiful sky and RVs - one of the many reasons to go RVing
Click on pic to find its source

Monday, July 19, 2010

RVing and God

Not to sound too preachy, but I just thought of some ways RVing can be similar with our relationship to God. I’m not going to spout any specific religions’ ideals, so don’t think that is what this is about. I would only be willing to do that one-on-one. Also, please don’t feel I’m attacking you; just hoping you’ll use this information to help you to think. This is not intended to be sacreligious in any way - just thought provoking and interesting.

RVing can be like our relationship with God/church because some people only go once a year. The emotional tie/circumstances don’t allow for more. In other words, some are only half-hearted in both RVing and with God. Others are avid and go RVing or spend time with God year-round.

RVing often involves being in nature, among God’s creations. Being grateful for nature and what God has created can be a powerful form of prayer. Not to mention a powerful way to attract more beauty into all areas of life. God created these creatures and this land for us to enjoy, so why not make the most of it.

How we treat our RVs might be similar or different to how we treat God. Do you take your RV out for a spin every month or so to keep the engine going well, and wash/clean it after every time you go RVing? Do you let cobwebs build up around inside your RV or in your relationship with God?

You can have different views of both. You can think of your RV as a vehicle, a tool, a home, an end to means, your baby, a big hunk of stuff that takes up space, a getaway, a happy memory, a lemon, or many other things. You can also think of God as a vehicle, a tool, your home, useless, mean and demands justice alone, nice gives you mercy and grace, a creator, a person, an omnipresent/omniscient force, a cloud, a destroyer, or many other things.

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