WOW! Beautiful sky and RVs - one of the many reasons to go RVing

WOW! Beautiful sky and RVs - one of the many reasons to go RVing
Click on pic to find its source

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Buying an RV – if you’ve decided this is your best option

Before you buy, if you're looking to buy used, this book may help. The purchases in this post will also help me get a little closer to buying my own RV. It includes information that an appraiser has put together about buying used RVs and what to look for. Click Here!

Or, if you'd rather watch the information about buying either used or new on DVD, check this out. The Insider's Guide to Buying Your Dream RV

Also, if you want information online about buying an RV, you can Click Here! - Buying a used or new RV, tips, training, downloads - Talks also about insurance, loans, financing, each type of RV individually, and general information on the left hand side of the website. - many different articles you can click on about what to look for when buying an RV. - Seven most common mistakes and how to avoid them, confessions from an RV dealer, and more info about how to get a great deal and specific RV types.

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