WOW! Beautiful sky and RVs - one of the many reasons to go RVing

WOW! Beautiful sky and RVs - one of the many reasons to go RVing
Click on pic to find its source

Friday, November 26, 2010

Guest Blogger - I was on her blog

Me a few years ago
     I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but I just wanted to give another community more of me - what I feel I can give.  I wanted to reach out to another RV community who has a certain perspective and give them another perspective.  If any of you would like to be a guest blogger on my post to give this community a different perspective, I welcome that.      

     The last blog post "Gratitude and RVing" was posted on Levonne Gaddy's blog.   The URL to this post is:
 Levonne, like it says in the URL, is a RV Park host's wife.  She has such a different take on life than I do (and many other RVing blogs of those who are going RVing and blogging about their travels) because she's living the lifestyle of running the RV Park.  She discusses what she discovers and she just seems happy and enjoying her life.  Sure, sometimes she has struggles, but so do all of us.  The main point is that she shares from her heart something that she feels will benefit others.  She tells you in the moment what's going on and how her life is each day.  It's fun to get that different perspective.
    Please visit her blog at: to enjoy the beauty of differences in this world.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Gratitude and RVing

     GratitudeOn Thanksgiving Day, I feel that this is very appropriate to discuss.  First of all, I think Gratitude and RVing go hand in hand because gratitude is what you have before you go RVing (first and hopefully every time), get to the point you can go full-time if that is your goal and to help things work properly.  I'm going to mention these and explain them.

    Think back to the first time you went RVing (if you haven't gone yet, check out my blog post on the subject to prepare)- FEEL that excitement again.  What were you excited about?  Finally living your dream?  Discovering a new way to travel?  Saving money on a rental car and hotel room?  The sites you would see?  Being on a vacation with the love or loves of your life?  Or, maybe it was simply the opportunity to go on a long-needed vacation to someplace special.  RVing is such a special lifestyle, or vacation tactic; I hope you enjoy every trip you take and are grateful for the experiences.

    If RVing full-time is a realized dream, when did you start having this dream?  When did you achieve the seemingly impossible dream?  What steps did you take and obstacles did you overcome to get there?  Where have you been since then?  Explain the experience, either in your mind or as a comment.  Are you still grateful for this lifestyle?  What can you do to be more grateful for this wonderful opportunity?

    When you're grateful, more things come to be grateful for - it's called the Law of Attraction (The Secret is the best book I've seen on this topic if you want to know more).  Basically, what this means in RVing is, if you are grateful for your RV working properly when it does, you'll bring more times of the RV working properly.  It's weird, but inanimate objects like an RV can feel when you're giving it positive (or negative, as the case may be) energy.  Sure, you still may need to make repairs, but I dare you to try me on this one and see if your RV works better for longer.  You can just say "Thank you" either out loud or silently directed toward the RV.

     Basically, gratitude is just great for everything, from life to RVing.  It can help you enjoy RVing more, dream higher of obtaining and RV (or better RV) sooner, and can also help your RV work better.  I know these may sound strange, but I'd like to hear your stories in relation to this post.  I'd like to know what happens and how gratitude helps you.

Whatever you do or don't do, just remember to be grateful.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

KOA RV Park debate


Rv Themed Picture Frame with "Home Is Where We Park It" Sign and Rv Icons on Side 4 X 6 - Horizontal
In the news on 11-18-10: In one of the KOA RV Parks, the judge was listening to reasons the RV Park should or should not be re-zoned.

If you don't know what KOA RV Parks are, or want a reminder, visit my blog post about it.

It must be hard to be a Judge to try to decide things that you may or may not care about.  Then, to judge based on the law, even if it varies from what is right and true.

To read the full article, click here.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Texas RV Parks

Valley Forge Texas State Flag Nylon 3-Foot x 5-Foot

As I'm sure you've noticed in the other posts, for the most part, I stick to websites that are more directories for all of the parks in the state.  I think this post will be a little different.  I will mention some directories, and some individual RV Campgrounds.

A Few Directories  You can search for an RV Park, check out local attractions, Blog, Sales and Services and more links as well. You can search an RV Park in different regions, as well as books, magazines, videos.  Another cool think about this site is you can become a part of a Texas RV Club, to meet others who go RVing as well. This also has RV Products and Services, Trip Planning, and you can also search RV Parks anywhere in the USA.

Individual Websites There are many options and many spots in this RV resort.  This is right along the coast in South Texas.  WOW!  There are many amenities.  It's very near Mexico. This is cartoony, but I think it is a fun website.  It's a Pet-Friendly RV Park that includes breakfast in West Texas.  There is also an indoor pool and spa.  It looks like a fun place if you are in the area.  They have free wi-fi and Good Sam rates this RV Park very highly.  Nearby is golfing, fishing, dining and entertainment is nearby.  The site is very aesthetically pleasing.  This is also in South Texas. There is free wi-fi.  Nearby is swimming, fishing, wineries, German restaraunts, shopping and other attractions.  This is an RV Park in North Texas.  You can buy and sell an RV here as well.  Some of the amenities include: Free showers, free laundry, free wi-fi, and you can also stay weekly/daily/monthly.  This is a simple, yet adequate, website.  Large Class A RVs are welcome.  It also has free cable TV and free wi-fi.  Location and rates are also mentioned.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Free RV Campgrounds ... Who likes free?

Don Wright's Guide to Free Campgrounds: Western Edition (Don Wright's Guide to Free Campgrounds Western Edition)

We have discussed RV Parks many times, but, thinking back to it, we have not discussed FREE RV Campgrounds.  I know that many are wanting to RV, but staying at a campground can take up much of the money desired for other stuff (like sightseeing and food).  I have an ad for other Free Campgrounds for RVs - if this isn't enough. It is VERY simple, but complex enough.  It has a map of the states, and you can click on which state to which you are traveling to find a ($10 or less) FREE campground there.  You can also add another free campsite you know of if not included. This is a very similar site, except you click on the states on links to the right side of the map.  It also has a way you can add sites.  This is probably more free than just less than $10.  In addition to the site above, however, this also includes Canada and a Forum as well as a Blog. OK, so this isn't exactly a FREE campground, but if you are looking for FREE Wi-Fi campgrounds, here's the site to check out. There are a few states where you can find free or almost free campsites.  You can purchase the rest of the states.  It appears the Gypsy Journal is related to Veterans.  Also, if you're a veteran, you can purchase a book about free camping spots for VFW.  There are also tips, reviews, and other helpful links on the left side of the site. There are two links on the red bar below the picture - "find a park" and "outdoor gear."  This site is simple, but useful.

Friday, November 5, 2010

RV History

Have you ever wondered why we even have RVs?  Where did they come from?  What is the RV lifestyle?  I know I talk more about RV Parks than RVs, but this blog seems very informative and this post specifically was very interesting to me.  I didn't know that information and rather than summarize, I'd rather let you read the post yourself.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

State Park Camping

There are many ways to find state parks in each state. You could always look in the local phone book or go to to find individual states, but I will be focusing on websites that will help us look up all states at the same time.  There are many state parks in each state and many of them are very specific to what you are looking to see. This site not only lets you choose in which state you want to look for a state park, but it also gives choices of how you want to camp.  You can go tent camping, RV Camping, cabin, trailer, boat/horse camping.  You can choose how long you want to stay as well as zip code if you know it. This site specifically talks about endangered historic places - the top 11 in USA, to be exact.  These historic places are endangered because of budget cuts. This site reminds me a lot of the first site, but there are some additions.  In addition to looking at state parks in any state you want and any type of camping you want, it also has links to recreational activities to do and other topics you might be interested in. This is a site about reviews of RV Parks in all the states.  If you've had a good experience at a state park, or a bad one, here's a place to find out about it.  You can also look at some campgrounds outside of USA. This is a cool site about RV resources, campgrounds, cooking, camp store, outdoor blog and so much more.  Definitely worth a tour.

I went through 10 pages when I did a google search, so this is the best of the best on the internet of State Park Camping.  Hope you have a great time at state parks!