WOW! Beautiful sky and RVs - one of the many reasons to go RVing

WOW! Beautiful sky and RVs - one of the many reasons to go RVing
Click on pic to find its source

Thursday, September 30, 2010

RVing - take two

Wanna go RVing?  RVing, if you were to define it, would be the act of traveling around in a Recreational Vehicle.  Some go RVing full-time (year-round) and some people go RVing only during the summer, while others yet go RVing one or two weeks a year.  However, if you're an avid RVer, you go RVing as often as your situation permits.

Here are a few websites that can help in your pursuit to go RVing: This website has many little animals to narrate the different parts of the site.  You can buy and sell RVs, find affordable vacations, fun activities while on the road, videos and commercials and last but not least, an RV Park directory (so you can know where to stay along the way). This website has everything you need to go RVing, from Financing, Insurance, Storage, Rentals, Parks to Accessories and a place to buy every RV type.  There are also How-to guides and tips for the rookie who wants to become a veteran RVer. This website is, as it states, your guide to finding RV Campsites that allow dogs.  There are also a few books that relate - like First Aid for Dogs. This website is specifically for women.  As it states on the front page, it's for the most experienced to the most novice; the full-time RVer to the wannabe (like me) RVer.  It's a place for women to network and socialize about RVs. website is mostly a dating site for single RVing men who are looking for RVing women.  There's a blog, chatting, and other things men might enjoy. This site is mainly to help those with disabilities buy and sell or rent RVs that are made to accommodate.  However, there is a link to help those with disabilities find RV Parks.  You can also advertise here.  There are many more features to this site as well. This site includes a forum, place to post your photos, equipment and repair, campfire cooking, reasons to go full-time, how logistically to make it work, links to other useful information.

Let me know if you don't find a website that suits your needs!

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