WOW! Beautiful sky and RVs - one of the many reasons to go RVing

WOW! Beautiful sky and RVs - one of the many reasons to go RVing
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Monday, June 28, 2010

RVing and Life

In many ways, RVing is like life. The first way I can think is enjoying the journey. Many people at many times in life feel like the destination is all that is important. If that's the case, just take a plane. I know that for me personally, I don't like planes, but I put up with them because I want to get to the destination quickly. If you have ever watched the movie "RV" with Robin Williams, the initial goal was the destination, but the journey ended up being the most important thing. It's strange how the destination can change based on the journey; goals can shift and one can realize what is really the most important.

RVing is also like life because there are going to have to be some repairs along the way. If the RV does not get fixed, just like an attitude, temper, inability to stand up for yourself, etc., it can be a LONG road ahead. The ability to make mid-course corrections or stop for repairs helps the ability to get to the destination safely and easily. Changing what is not working for the RV or the person inside the RV makes for a more pleasurable journey.

Before going on a trip RVing, preparations must be made. Just as important, preparations must be made on this trip called life. Whether in school, on the job, or elsewhere, presentations of some sort need to be made. The more preparations are made for major life events, the more smooth the transitions become. Rudy Guilliani, mayor of New York during 9/11 attacks, said that if you prepare for all possible outcomes, you also are ready when the unanticipated events occur. In addition, the anticipation of the event make the preparations almost fun.

In RVing and in life, sometimes the memories are what stays with you. At times, it's the happy memories of how the family bonded on the vacation/service project/spring cleaning of the house. Sometimes, it is who you became because you went on the journey. Other times, it's the vacation/day where everything went wrong that creates the most memories. All it takes is time, maybe lots of time, to laugh at the experience. Because of those memories, we often have desire to take the journey again another time.

There are also many differences between RVing and life, but who wants to focus on differences? Too many times we focus on differences (men/women, black/white, American/any other nation, rich/broke, Republican/Democrat), so for once, I just wanted to focus on similarities.

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