WOW! Beautiful sky and RVs - one of the many reasons to go RVing

WOW! Beautiful sky and RVs - one of the many reasons to go RVing
Click on pic to find its source

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

RVing and Passion

     I know how important PASSION is in every aspect of life.  Just so we're both on the same page, to me passion means the intense love for whatever you're doing and the intense desire to share it with others.  Passion is, of course, important for RVing.  Though there are many problems on the road with traffic, parking, repairs, hookups, cooking, sleeping, etc., I'm assuming the reason you want to go RVing in the first place is because of your passion (whether it be with the outdoors, traveling, family, business, freedom or whatever).
     I hope you are still passionate about RVing because, life is too short to not live with passion.  It's like a dinner without dessert or a day without gratitude.  Maybe, if you've lost passion with RVing, or your life, you have forgotten what's good about it.  What is RIGHT with your life?  What do you have?  For me, simple things I think of is I have the use of both hands/feet/eyes/ears, nose, mouth, MIND, ability to choose (the only thing that we're all equal in is that we all have 24 hours a day), my faith in God, my husband, my baby, food, clothing, shelter, family, friends, health, strength.  These are simple things that I like to remind myself of when things aren't all going my way.
    Life is too short not to be grateful.  Say thank you to those who mean the most of you today.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone has their own passion. Some prefer music and others prefer sports. You chose to live in your RV and enjoy the perks of travelling. Passion is finding want you want in life and knowing who you really are. I salute you for following your heart. :-)

    Tobias Thrash
